Winding Road Coven

Walking the path of magickal discovery and nurturing our own magickal natures is like walking a "winding road". It descends into darkness and travels even to the heavens. The direction you go depends upon the path you choose to walk.

Pagan Community Resource Page. More to come as this becomes more clearly defined. 


Winding Road Exists At The Request of the Lady Hecatè

The council of Winding Road met on April 15th, 2012. There were a number of topics which were discussed. Among them, the importance of following coven rules and regulations. Please remember that the purpose of the council is to prevent decisions being made while operating in a vacuum. It also serves as reminder not to be a hypocrite when enforcing our guidelines.

It is the experience of the Priest and the Summoner of Winding Road that this coven does not exist at the desire of its founders. It exists at the command and counsel received from the divine. She bespoke both the Priest and Summoner and confirmed Her wishes that we grow and expand. As such, the daughter of Perseis and Asteria - Diana Hecate, Khersonese Hecate, Selene Hecatè - given many names and many forms, is the patron Goddess of this coven. Winding Road accepts seekers of differing faiths and seamlessly integrates those faiths and practices into our traditions for the comfort of those who seek membership. However, this coven remains Etruscan Dianic in nature and origin. We do not treat God/desses as friends or members of our family.

This coven exists to perform the rituals and practices of Olde. For it is written that the world does not turn, the seasons do not change, we fall out of sync with Nature and untold harm will befall all in creation. We are children of Nature, and we must perform the rituals which honor the cycles of Nature.

A level of zeal, respect, and reverence is, therefore, demonstrated by this coven’s priest and as such is required from its members. The Lady is an active Goddess and this coven exists under her auspices. Be mindful that disrespect, blasphemy, defilement or other such behaviors will be dealt with in an appropriate and fitting manner. This includes excommunication, unbinding, dismissal without prejudice or dismissal with prejudice in mind. Forewarned is forearmed.

PERFECT LOVE AND PERFECT TRUST means also being able to trust your coven to follow the rules, and provide a safe environment to explore, learn, and grow in a multitude of ways.

Romantic & Sexual Relationships within the Coven 

The God/dess works in mysterious ways, as does the web of life, so our being drawn to practitioners seems to happen a lot. Please remember, however, that the purpose of the coven is not for dating or hookups. There are plenty of places to meet persons. This does not need to happen within the circle. We are adults, and serious minded magical academics. This is our focus and what we strive for. 

  • Proselytes or Affiliates with Winding Road may not date for 6 months. After that time, if you wish to date the affiliate, that is between you and the coven member. This relationship must not affect the coven and what we do.

  • Neophyte Seekers and Initiated Coven Members may not date for 1 Year and a Day. After that time, if you wish to date that is between the two of you. This relationship must not affect the coven or your ability to circle with the group.

In either event, you will need to ask yourself if it is worth the fallout of pursuing this relationship with the person, and the potential damage if it does not work out. You are adults, and should manage yourselves appropriately. The person who can be salvaged will be, and those who are behaving overly emotional or angry will be asked to step back or discontinue attendance. You will need to declare your relationship to the council. You will be reminded of expectations and obligations to manage yourselves appropriately as it relates to Winding Road.

It has been stated to the council that it is no one’s business what happens in someone’s bedroom. It has also come the council’s attention that persons have secretly used this coven for sexual and romantic purposes. For the aforementioned reasons, the council says otherwise. The above rules must be respected for the smooth functioning of the group. There is nothing worse than dealing with a jilted lover. Add religion to this, and the effects can be quite devastating.

Please be warned that any person found in violation of the above rules – a three month suspension from coven will be provided after discussion with the council. Should a pattern of this continue – Merry Meet, and Merry Part!

We recognize opportunities for forgiveness when the recipient is mature enough to understand why this had to happen.

Blessed Be.

Temple Behavior/ Coven Behavior

  • Please come to coven meetings bathed. This is a habit that you should become accustomed to developing. As a magickal working could take place at a moment of notice, it is best to have your vessel prepared to receive spirit. The LBRP can suffice to address clearing and banishing negative spiritual stain. The smells of people or of certain body parts is very rarely, if ever, appreciated.

  • On the eve of scheduled Rites (Sabbats/Esbats/Healings/Workings), physical cleanliness is a non-negotiable. Take the time to prepare your physical form always.

  • This coven, in many ways, exists to help persons change and even to heal. That is not it’s primary purpose, and it should not be viewed as a support group. This means that while it is possible, and even encouraged, to express your emotional and worldly concerns to members and to reasonably gain advice or magical assistance, it must not be viewed as the primary intent for meeting your personal, emotional, and/or material needs. We recommend that you seek counseling if you are truly discovered to be in emotional need or psychological distress.

  • This is not an organization that provides housing or temporary homes for persons in need. We say this because there have been those persons who have come with the agenda of finding a place to live, and indeed there have been those who have been taken advantage of and due to their concern for the well-being of others. If you are revealed to be a person with such an agenda, you will be asked to leave. Resources for those who are in fact homeless have been provided on this website and may be found in the clergy section of this website for former inmates of the corrections facilities.

  • Negativity, negative outbursts, or emotional disturbances are not permitted when circles have been cast and when the cone of power has been raised. This is a non-negotiable. When circle has been cast, and the cone has been raised, we connect psychically and empathetically. It is not fair to your coven members to make them "experience" you in this negative manner when the “Human” aspects of ourselves are not what is being sought. Ritual time is not the time to seek emotional attention.

  • It is important to remember that self-control and will are tools to use for redirecting ourselves. If you cannot control yourself, please excuse yourself from the sacred space. If you have traveled with another member to coven, please be respectful of your travel companion and wait for them to complete the meeting or ritual.

  • Ceremonial & Ritual Garbs are items of your own personal choosing. Clothing that makes you feel magical in nature, and when worn signals your transformation from human to witch/magician. Please select items of clothing for this purpose. These clothes are to be worn from that moment forward for "workings" only and on no other occasion. For our main rites and practices, please bring these items with you. You do not have to be limited to one. You may fashion or purchase robes to satisfy this requirement or you may wear items of clothing in solid black or solid white until such time as you find items you will use for ceremonial purposes only.

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